Nitrous oxide, commonly referred to as Laughing gas, is a colorless and odorless gas used as an analgesic/anxiolytic agent that causes central nervous system depression and euphoria.
It is one of the safest and most effective sedative agents that is used in certain dental procedures.
If you get nervous or experience anxiety before or during a visit to the dentist, or if you have neglected taking care of your teeth and gums due to fear of the dentist, you might be a good candidate for nitrous oxide dentistry.
At Madison Green Family Dental, Dr. Ana Ortiz is passionate about making sure all of our patients have an enjoyable, comfortable visit every time they walk into the office. If you’re looking for a comfortable, friendly, & convenient family dentist around you that offers nitrous oxide sedation, we are always accepting new patients, contact us today to book an appointment.
Click to book online or call us at (561) 379-1311 right away.