BEST Emergency Dentist Near Royal Palm Beach, FL

Emergency Dentist Near You

Same-day emergency dentist appointments are available to treat your dental emergencies immediately!

If you are experiencing a dental emergency near the Royal Palm Beach area or any of the symptoms discussed below, call us immediately at (561) 379-1311 for same-day dentist emergency appointments with the Madison Green Family Dental Team.

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Emergency Dentist Near Royal Palm Beach FL

Emergency Dentist Near You

We’ve all been there—you bite down on something harder than expected, trip and fall on uneven ground, or suddenly notice swelling or unexplained bleeding in your mouth. Even when we take great care of our teeth, the unexpected can happen. Teeth and mouth pain can be incredibly uncomfortable, leaving us feeling like we need medical attention right away.

At Madison Green Family Dental, we pride ourselves on being one of the best options for an emergency dentist in Royal Palm Beach. Whether you need a consultation for unexplained tooth or gum pain, are dealing with a bleeding issue, or have lost a tooth due to injury, we’re here to help. Our emergency dentists are on call, and we’re even open on Saturdays to ensure you get the care you need promptly. We work hard to fit emergency patients into our schedule, often on the same day.

Our highly qualified, skilled, and compassionate emergency dental team provides top-tier, affordable emergency dentistry treatment when you need it most.

Book Your Same-Day Appointment Today!

What is Considered a Dental Emergency?

A dental emergency is any problem that needs immediate treatment to stop bleeding, relieve severe pain, or save a tooth from removal. When these situations arise, it’s crucial to contact an emergency dental service near you as soon as possible.

Seeking help from an emergency dentist in Royal Palm Beach can make the difference between a minor issue and a major one. If you’re experiencing symptoms and need care right away, especially if you’re looking for a same-day dentist, schedule an appointment without delay.

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What are Common Dental Emergencies?


Medical reports have proven that pain in a single part of the body can cause every other part of the body to feel pains and inconvenience. This is why every part of the body, including the teeth, should be given proper care every time they hurt. Many people often feel toothache, but toothache treatment is usually given toothache home remedy.

The best medicine for toothache is not to give toothache home remedies, because many problems may be caused to the teeth, (depending on the cause of toothache each problem requires proper toothache treatment). Not only taking toothache pain relievers, what to do for toothache is to schedule an emergency dental appointment immediately so we can treat a small problem before it advances into a larger one.

Toothache Symptoms

Before you visit the dentist, you need to ascertain what sources and kinds of pains you feel. Some observable signs that you have toothache include

  1. You get a bad taste in your mouth.
  2. You feel very uneasy when your brush or hand touches the affected part of your teeth
  3. You feel pains at the affected part when you chew
  4. You sometimes may feel constant pain from an angle.
  5. You may also observe bleeding from the affected tooth.
  6. Your gums swell and lifting the teeth to talk or eat may look difficult
  7. Lastly, the toothache may cause pains in your mouth and headache or fever.

If you already feel any of the signs above, you can easily book an appointment with our Royal Palm Beach emergency dentists to avoid complications.

Toothache Causes

A man may live without eyes or legs, but living without teeth is very difficult, if not impossible. The teeth are very special parts of the body, this is why they require special care and attention. The teeth can be maintained with simple health tips. These include regular brushing, a regular diet and balanced nutrition.

However, the top causes of toothache include gum disease, which causes weakness and inflammation. Grinding the teeth is a bad habit that is a common cause of toothache. Irregular brushing and unstable use of hard brushes with soft brushes can cause poor gum health. Rendering toothache home treatment without the opinion of a doctor can cause poor health for the teeth, too, resulting in experiencing toothache all of the time.

Just as toothache may cause headaches, many ailments may also cause toothache, and you may not be relieved unless you try some toothache pain reliever.

Such ailments include high blood pressure, diabetes, and rheumatoid arthritis. Age may make you feel toothache, too. Children often feel toothache when they are set to grow a new set of teeth, and if you are above 40, too, you can expect to feel occasional toothaches.

How to Stop a Toothache

Take an over-the-counter pain reliever like ibuprofen or acetaminophen, then book an appointment here at Madison Green Family Dental to get treatment for your toothache once and for all, not just the painful symptoms.

Emergency Dentist Toothache Treatment Royal Palm Beach

Abscessed Tooth

A severe condition where a pocket of pus in the tooth has led to an infection. Abscesses may cause fever, tooth sensitivity, persistent toothache, or swelling in the face.

Because the infection can spread into your jaw, surrounding tissue, and other areas of the body, it is considered a dental emergency.

Rinse your mouth with mild salt water several times to reduce the pain, and get to an emergency dentist as soon as possible.

Call to See an Emergency Dentist Today!

Tooth Abscess Emergency Dentist Royal Palm Beach FL

Tooth Loss

When a tooth has been knocked out in its entirety due to trauma of some kind, whether from playing sports or an accident, there is a possibility that a dentist may be able to reattach it, but only if you act quickly. Using a mouth guard during activities that pose a risk of injury can help prevent this type of trauma. Within ten minutes, the tooth has a fair chance of taking root again. After two hours, however, the chances are poor.

Gently rinse the tooth but do not scrub as that can remove important tissue vital for reintegration. Place it back in the socket, or if that is not possible, in a cup of cold milk, and get to a dentist near you right away.

Tooth Loss Risk Factors

In addition to trauma, tooth loss can also be attributed to advanced stages of gum disease. Many kids are always shy to smile in front of strangers and even friends when they suffer tooth loss. That is even worse for an adult.

Gum diseases and tooth loss can cause many adults to feel withdrawn, inferior, ugly, angry, and feel less confident in front of other people. You may also lose your self-esteem because your teeth make you feel hate for the person you find in your mirror.

Your oral habits, type of food, old age, and ignorance are all causes of toothaches, tooth loss, or gum disease. If you already feel any of them, you need to immediately book an appointment with our experts here at Madison Green Family Dental.

Smoking also affects healthy gums negatively, and gum diseases or periodontal diseases are the ultimate cause of tooth loss.

A common habit or refusing or never getting professional care often affect the healthy growth of the teeth. As a result, simple damaging habits which you may avoid were not avoided because you do not even know since you hadn’t sought an expert’s advice. You may book an appointment with an expert now.

Certain ailments such as high blood pressure, diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, and so forth are natural causes of tooth loss. Your dentist may also confirm if your natural ailments could cause tooth loss.

Finally, natural factors such as being above 35 years or being a male can cause tooth loss. This is why you could observe that more males lose their teeth than females, and people aged 35 and above often suffer tooth loss more than other age gaps.

There are a variety of healthy tooth replacement options for teeth that cannot be saved.

Tooth Replacement Options

There are various tooth replacement options, and the simplest, tedious of all is to do nothing.

If you just lose a tooth, or you feel toothache, you could wait for a period after taking toothache pain relievers, but it has little guarantee.

Generally, when it comes to tooth replacement options, your choices are:

If you desire a replacement, however, we suggest a temporary replacement or partial denture, any of these may be used when you only want your teeth gap temporarily filled.

A dental implant and bridging may be used when you need to permanently replace your missing teeth. You could be sure that either permanent or temporary, your teeth are perfectly replaced and it would be difficult to guess they are implanted.

Missing Tooth Replacement Emergency Dentist Royal Palm Beach FL

Chipped or Broken Tooth

In spite of the fact that tooth enamel is the strongest tissue in the human body, it can still break or crack.

It can be so sad to discover you have lost your tooth in a fight, collision with a similarly hard object, or even while you are chewing gum. It sometimes does not allow you to enjoy any food you eat and could sometimes make smiling in public a hard thing to do.

Here are common types of cracked or broken teeth.

  • Fractured cusp: This is a painless tear-off of the tooth surface.
  • Vertical root fracture: This is seen when a crack begins right from the root of the tooth and extends to the surface of the gum.
  • Crack tooth: This is the opposite of vertical root fracture. This type of crack begins from the chewing surface to the root of the tooth. To save the tooth from being removed, an early diagnosis is very important. If not taken care of as early as possible, it will worsen over time and may end up being extracted.
  • Split tooth: When a cracked tooth is left for long without care, it splits up. It is characterized by separable segmented cracks.

When only part of a tooth is lost due to injury, it’s also possible to save and repair the injured tooth. Broken teeth can almost always be saved, but again speed is a factor.

Wrap the shard in a damp cloth and bring it to your emergency dental appointment.

If it’s a small break, we may use a tooth-colored filling to fix the tooth. If the break is serious, larger interventions such as a root canal or crown (link to procedure pages if they exist) may be needed.

If it’s a small break, we may use a tooth-colored filling to repair the tooth. However, if the break is more severe, larger interventions such as a root canal treatment or a crown may be necessary to restore the tooth. A root canal helps remove damaged or infected pulp, while a crown offers structural support and protection for the remaining tooth.

Symptoms of Broken or Fractured Teeth

A broken tooth is a serious dental emergency that must be treated immediately. Our dentists will always be there to carry out preliminary tests on the patient before a dental solution is offered.

However, the following symptoms are associated with a broken tooth:

  • You experience pains when you are eating, biting, or chewing.
  • The gums around the tooth get swollen.
  • The tooth suddenly becomes sensitive to sweet foods.
  • The tooth becomes sensitive to cold and hot foods.
  • The patient experiences discomfort around the tooth gum.
  • The patient also experiences irregular pains at intervals.

Broken Tooth Repair

When you suffer a broken tooth, chip, fracture, or crack, there are basic temporary broken tooth repair methods you can adopt before proceeding to your dentist. A broken tooth emergency may arise even when you do not expect it. In the meantime, you can try the following measures:

• If your tooth is painful, get acetaminophen or any other pain-relieving drug over the counter pending your visit to Royal Palm dentist. Use salt water to rinse your mouth.

• If you have the edge of the tooth jagged as a result of the break, use a piece of paraffin wax to cover the edge. The measure is to save the tooth from cutting your tongue or piercing your lips. You can also cover it with sugarless chewing gum pending your visit to the dentist.

• If you must take food, make sure you eat soft foods and avoid biting down on the broken tooth.

Broken tooth repair requires optimal dental analysis before it can be carried out at the dental center. However, your dentist will always determine the best option for you. The option however depends on how severely your tooth is damaged. If only a piece of your enamel breaks, it can be repaired in just a single visit to our Royal Palm Beach emergency dentist office. If otherwise, it will take a couple of procedures.

The possible broken teeth repairs include:

  • Dental Bonding: A composite procedure requires a conditioning liquid and putty to repair a chipped or cracked tooth. Ultraviolet light is then used to harden the composite. Once the tooth has dried, it will be shaped, and the filling process will follow. Dental bonding is an effective solution for minor cosmetic repairs, restoring the tooth’s appearance and functionality.
  • Dental Crown: If you have your tooth chipped and experience pain in the region, dental crowns may be the best option for you. The process of fitting a crown starts with the use of sedation or anesthesia to make the procedure comfortable. Your dentist will then prepare the patient’s tooth and send the impression to the laboratory. While awaiting the final result, the patient is provided with a temporary crown before the permanent one is ready.
  • Dental Implant: If your tooth is cracked below the gum, tooth extraction is the only remedy, which means the tooth has to be extracted. A dental implant involves the use of an artificial tooth in the jawbone as a replacement for a broken tooth.

Approximate Cost of Treatment for a Broken Tooth:

The approximate broken tooth repair, broken tooth extraction, and other related dental services costs in Royal Palm Beach are:

Silver filling 1 surface $79.00
2 surfaces $109.00
3 surfaces $130.00
Non-precious porcelain crowns $699
Precious porcelain crowns $999
Bonded Esthetic filling $99 – $210
Broken tooth extraction Surgical $150 – $250
Simple-to-surgical $95 – $200
Root Canal Molar $969.00
Anterior $569.00
Bicuspid $669.00
Denture/Partial repair $95
Denture Adjustment $45
Broken Tooth Emergeny Dentist Royal Palm Beach FL

Mouth Bleeding or Laceration

Mouth bleeding is usually an effect of bleeding of your gums around your teeth. It can also be a result of accidental biting of your tongue, lips, or the inside of your cheeks. Try to stop the bleeding by pressing down firmly with a damp cloth.

If the bleeding doesn’t stop after a few minutes, call your dentist. It could require medical attention.

Mouth bleeding – and more specifically bleeding gums may also point to gum disease and some other health problems.

Good dental hygiene is the first way to remedy mouth bleeding, and to preventing gum disease. This is because mouth bleeding is caused primarily by issues arising from neglecting proper dental care.

One of the most effective ways to prevent gum disease is by seeing your dentist at least twice a year for an exam and professional dental cleaning. Only your dentist can let you know if you have any periodontal disease and will teach you how to brush and floss properly.

Also, using mouthwash can minimize plaque and rinsing your mouth with warm salt water can help relieve swollen gums. Hard bristles can make inflamed gum to bleed hence, it is highly recommended that you use soft toothbrush.

What Are the Main Reasons for Mouth Bleeding?

From a heavy punch on the jaw line to accidental bite on the interior of your cheek while chewing gum, many reasons may be responsible for mouth bleeding.

We may even hurt our gums if we brush or floss our teeth vigorously.

However, more critical bleeding cases often occur because of improper dental care issues. Gingivitis (inflammaton of gums) and periodontitis are examples of dental issues that can cause bleeding in the mouth.


Gingivitis occurs because of plaque. Plaque is the particles and bacteria that get stuck in our teeth. Gingivitis is caused when plaque stays for too long around the gum line.

If not removed, the plaque can harden and form a hard yellow deposit around the teeth called tartar or calculus (a deposit of calcium phosphate salts). This can also cause mouth bleeding.


Periodontitis (or periodontal disease) occurs when gingivitis cases become worse. This results into infection of the gums, jawbone and enamel. In its worse case, periodontitis can cause the teeth to bleed, loosen and eventually fall out.

Improperly-Fitting Dentures

When you wear a denture that does not fit, especially one that is too tight, it may harm your gum line and cause bleeding.

If you are having issues with your dentures, we’d love to show you the benefits of either fixing your dentures to ensure they fit properly – without pain & discomfort – or discussing other options.


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Diet, Systemic Health, & Medications

Other reasons that can cause mouth bleeding include a deficiency of vitamins C and K.

Eating foods that are rich in these vitamins is a simple remedy. Pregnant women may also experience mouth bleeding because of hormonal changes in their bodies. It can also be the effect of low platelet count (that is, cells that help the blood clot).

Bleeding disorders like leukemia and hemophilia can cause bleeding gums. Blood-thinning medications like aspirin or drugs that contain it can also increase the risk of bleeding the mouth.

The Cost of Emergency Mouth Bleeding Treatment

The cost of emergency dental treatment will depend on the extent of the mouth bleeding. Prophylaxis, a regular dental cleaning, however, may not cost more than $85.

On average, deep cleaning, known as “periodontal scaling and root planing,” costs between $250 and $1,000. Gingivitis treatment can cost about $85 on average.

It is important to know that the cost of removing tartar for a gingivitis or periodontist patient depends on the nature of the gum infection. Cost may be as high as $3,500 for patients with severe infections.

Mouth Bleeding Emergency Dentist Royal Palm Beach FL

My Gums Are Bleeding, How Do I Stop Bleeding Gums?

There are simple ways to counteract bleeding gums. Even without visiting a dentist or health provider. Here are some of them:

  1. Rinse your mouth gently with ice water. Try not to swallow blood as this may irritate your stomach and even cause you to throw up. You can continue rinsing every two hours.
  2.  Rinse your mouth gently with mouthwash twice daily, preferably after brushing or flossing. It helps to keep the bacteria out and is necessary in case of gingivitis.
  3. Rinse your mouth with warm salt water if your gums are swollen
  4. If you wear dentures keep them out. If they are too tight, they can cause your mouth to bleed harder.
  5. Avoid hot drinks like tea and coffee. Heat helps enlarge blood vessels and can increase bleeding.
  6. Eat soft and smooth foods. Refrigerated food like puddings and ice cream are good. They will help you slow down the bleeding.
  7. Avoid blood-thinning drugs like aspirin or drugs that contain it. Other medications in this category include heparin and warfarin.
  8. Use soft foam or gauze if toothbrush causes bleeding.
  9. Apply cream or salve on your lips to prevent dryness.
Bleeding Gums Emergency Dentist Royal Palm Beach FL

Cost of Emergency Dentistry

When you have an emergency dental situation the last thing you want to worry about is the cost. Madison Green Dental offers affordable services and works with most PPO and Indemnity plans. We gladly accept many types of medical insurance and will work with you to make sure you walk away with a happy healthy smile again. If you are experiencing any sort of dental emergency please don’t hesitate to contact us today.

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“I called this morning and got an appointment right away! Such a thorough experience today. I’ve never had a dentist sit with me for 15 minutes and educate me by answering all of my questions. Dr. Ortiz is real. She’s a good hearted woman who’s so skilled. The hygienist Melissa was impeccable. She took my X-rays, did an amazing cleaning (better than I’ve ever had before and more professional for sure.) I was showed my problem areas and quickly presented with a reasonable plan of action. I’ve already told my husband and parents about this practice. They “had me at hello!” – Johanna Corrales

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