Mouth bleeding is usually an effect of bleeding of your gums around your teeth. It can also be a result of accidental biting of your tongue, lips or the inside of your cheeks. Nonetheless mouth bleeding may also point to gum disease and some other health problems or intricacies. Good dental hygiene is the first way to remedy mouth bleeding. This is because mouth bleeding is caused primarily by issues arising from dental care. Occasionally, you can visit a royal palm beach dentist for professional dental cleaning. A dentist will let you know if you have any periodontal disease and will teach you how to brush and floss properly. Using mouthwash can minimize plaque and rinsing your mouth with warm salt water can help relieve swollen gums. Hard bristles can make inflamed gum to bleed hence, it is highly recommended that you use soft toothbrush.

What are the main reasons for Mouth Bleeding

From a heavy punch on the jaw line to accidental bite on the interior of your cheek while chewing gum, many reasons may be responsible for mouth bleeding. We may even hurt our gums if we brush or floss our teeth vigorously. However, more critical bleeding cases often occur because of improper dental care issues. Gingivitis (inflammaton of gums) and periodontitis are examples of dental issues that can cause bleeding in the mouth.


Gingivitis occurs because of plaques. Plaques are the particles and bacteria that get stuck in our teeth. Gingivitis is caused when plaques stay for too long around the gum line. Plaques if not removed can as well harden and form a hard yellow deposit around the teeth called tartar or calculus (a deposit of calcium phosphate salts).This can cause bleeding or increase bleeding.


Periodontitis (or periodontal disease) occurs when gingivitis cases become worse. This results into infection of the gums, jawbone and enamel. In its worse case, periodontitis can cause the teeth to bleed, loosen and eventually fall out.


When you wear a denture that does not fit, especially one that is too tight, it may harm your gum line and cause bleeding. One should visit a royal palm dentist to help create a better impressions of the teeth and hence provide a fitting denture.

Other reasons that can cause mouth bleeding include deficiency of vitamins C and K. Eating foods that are rich in these vitamins is a simple remedy. Pregnant women may also experience mouth bleeding because of hormonal changes in their body. It can also be the effect of low platelet count (that is, cells that help the blood clot). Bleeding disorders like leukemia and hemophilia can cause bleeding gums. Blood-thining medications like aspirin or drugs that contain it can also increase the risk of bleeding mouth.


There are simple ways to counteract bleeding gums. Even without visiting a dentist or health provider. Here are some of them:

  1.  Rinse your mouth gently with ice water. Try not to swallow blood as this may irritate your stomach and even cause you to throw up. You can continue rinsing every two hours.
  2.  Rinse your mouth gently with mouthwash twice daily, preferably after brushing or flossing. It helps to keep the bacteria out and is necessary in case of gingivitis.
  3. Rinse your mouth with warm salt water if your gums are swollen
  4. If you wear dentures keep them out. If they are too tight, they can cause your mouth to bleed harder.
  5. Avoid hot drinks like tea and coffee. Heat helps enlarge blood vessels and can increase bleeding.
  6. Eat soft and smooth foods. Refrigerated food like puddings and ice cream are good. They will help you slow down the bleeding.
  7. Avoid blood-thinning drugs like aspirin or drugs that contain it. Other medications in this category include heparin and warfarin.
  8. Use soft foam or gauze if toothbrush causes bleeding.
  9. Apply cream or salve on your lips to prevent dryness.

Cost for an Emergency Mouth Bleeding Treatment

The cost of an emergency treatment will depend on the extent of the mouth bleeding. Prophylaxis, a regular dental cleaning however may not cost more than $85. While on the average, deep cleaning known as “periodontal scaling and root planing” scales between $250 to $1,000. The expenses of gingivitis treatment can cost about $85 on the average. It is important to know that the cost of removing tartar for a gingivitis or periodontist patient depends on the nature of gum infection. Cost may be as high as $3,500 for patient with severe infection.

Page Last Updated: July 12, 2022

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